
As some of you may already know from following me elsewhere, I recently lost my day job- which was working for a small credit union near my home, doing technical support stuff and marketing. I wasn’t very happy there, and frequently talked about leaving to do art full time but was never quite able to make that leap. Well, thanks to COVID-19, I had that leap taken for me about a month ago. Actually exactly a month ago now that I’m thinking about it.

Anyways, long story short, I’m now a full time cartoonist! A month in, and I’m truly thankful I was laid off. I was done a favor. And the practical upshot of all this, is that I now have tons more time to work on BMP comics, Punchy comics, my Patreon and even set up a portfolio site!

I want to thank you all for reading and supporting my silly comics up to this point. On April 1st, this website and comic turned 8 years old. I know that there have been long pauses while stuff like this happened. Or not like this, I guess. There haven’t been that many global pandemics. But the point is, I couldn’t have made it this far without you and I really really do appreciate it and I’m really excited to have more time to commit to telling my stories.

So, thank you. Let’s go make some cool stuff.