Chapter: Necturus of the Gods
Location: Lake Xochimilco
Special thanks this week to Dr. Solomon David for his assistance in providing me with some great reference photos for field research gear.
Special thanks this week to Dr. Solomon David for his assistance in providing me with some great reference photos for field research gear.
It wasn’t a jaguar.
I’m pretty certain it wasn’t.
If only he hadn’t touched those priceless action figure collectibles..
Why is the art looking all different in this new series? First, the tragic epic of the death of Simon ….I’m still picking up all of my used Kleenexes over that one. Now …it’s skin tones. Pretty soon, I’ll bet there won’t even be fart jokes. BMP will be Prince Valiant with thees and thous.
Yes…a “jaguar”…that was what got him. Wink wink.